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What To Expect
At your session we will have a brief introductory chat, to better get to know you & for me to understand your needs. Then fully clothed you will comfortably lay on a massage table with a blanket and a lavendar eye pillow as you wistfully drift away enjoying pure comfort and relaxation. I will then work on all areas of your body with a gentle light touch. After your session, in your own time, you will get up & we can discuss how you feel. At that time I can answer any questions you may have. Plenty of water will be advised to drink after & throughout the rest of the day. Allow 1 hour 15 min for your session.

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Refer a Friend!

I love referrals in general , instead of going to see someone for the first time blind sided and hoping it is what you are looking for! I have a referral program in place, for exactly this reason. When you do refer a friend or acquaintance, they book and receive their first session,  your next session will be only $60 

First Time Clients 
I believe in trying something out once and trying someone out once too! Hence first time clients get a discounted rate of just $65 for their in person session with me. First time appointments are only available by contacting Kelly directly and can be paid by pay pal, venmo, cash or cheque.
Animal Reiki

Yes that is right Reiki for pets too!

Our fur and feathered babies deserve the best too. I might add they are even more receptive to this kind of work than many humans. Working on them is a rewarding unique experience and every fur or feathered friend is different so every session is customized to best fit their needs! If your family member is suffering from issues ranging from age related disease to anger or  anxiety... I would love to spend some time with them exploring their wishes and desires through Reiki. Often seeing the energy change from stressed and scared being to a positive loving secure one.  

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Distant Reiki For Humans and Animals

It has been incredibly inspiring and powerful to see the results during this pandemic specifically distant Reiki can be. Whether I am Facetiming, Zooming, or whats app video calling throughout or simply checking in at the beginning and the end... it all seems to work marvelously. I've been told by a regular distant client that she finds just as powerful if not more  amazing than in person! If you are ready and open to receiving then the results will be magnificent.

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"I have always heard rave reviews about reiki but had never really given it a try. I learned that a friend of mine was in fact not only reiki healer but was willing to come to my house to work on my dogs. I immediately scheduled a reiki session to be done on my 10 year old lab, Toby. Toby has had spinal problems over the last few years and ended up taking a big hit (in play) by one of our other dogs earlier this spring. It was to the point that I thought that I would have to put my sweet girl down due to the severity of the injury but I was willing to try anything. I did several different treatments as well as prescription pain meds but one of the biggest differences was seen in the hours following a reiki session with Kelly. During the session I found Kelly’s energy to be very calming and healing. I could tell that Toby was comfortable with Kelly working on her and in fact was enjoying herself. The session was so effective that I noticed our other dog Annie came in from the other room and laid down and crawled closer and closer until she too was in fact touching Kelly and enjoying some of the healing energy herself. At the end of the session not only did Toby seem quite relaxed and comfortable, Kelly told me things about Toby and why she felt that she had, had a harder time healing. Kelly was spot on about all of it and this was her first time meeting my girls. I took Toby out for a walk later that night and the next morning and noticed a bit more pep in her step and for the first time in over a month she actually ran around. Upon seeing Toby’s transformation, I figured it was time for me to give reiki a try for myself. I have had two sessions so far and look forward to many more in my future. I have had issues with my back for as long as I can remember and after both sessions, it is the most comfortable and out of pain that I have been. Kelly is also very intuitive about what is going on with your body and talks to you about it at the end of your session, she is so accurate and helps point you in the right  direction as far as what you can do to help keep your body healthy. I feel blessed to know Kelly and am grateful to have had her work on both me and my pets. I look forward to many more healing treatments in the future and would highly recommend her to anyone considering a reiki healing."

Erin F. Lafayette, Co

"Distant reiki from Kelly Will

About two months ago, I was asked by Kelly if I would like to receive some distant reiki and being a

reiki student myself and not ever having received it, I was more than pleased to say yes.

I got myself relaxed, laid on my bed and shut my eyes. I waited... then all of a sudden I felt a tingling sensation running 

through my body, the sensation moved from my head and down to my right shoulder where I felt 

heat and colours of yellows and green behind my eye lids then down through the chakras.

At times it felt like Kelly was actually in the room beside me and also I was pleased and honoured 

to have a visit from Sensei Usui. The sensations stayed very strong and moved round my body 

pausing for a while at my right knee and again colours could be seen and heat felt, I recently had 

been having problems with my shoulder and knee but had not mentioned this to Kelly.

After about 30 minutes the tingling and colours started to fade and I knew then that the treatment 

was over. It was amazing for me to receive such a powerful treatment and I enjoyed and loved 

every minute of it and I wholly recommend Kelly to anyone for a treatment whether physical or distant."

Mark W. West Sussex, England

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